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Appointment of coadjutor ArchbishopNew
The Holy Father has appointed Bishop John Rodrigues as coadjutor archbishop of the metropolitan archdiocese of Bombay, India, transferring him from the diocese of Poona.
Curriculum vitae
Archbishop-elect John Rodrigues was born on 21 August 1967 in Mumbai. He was ordained a priest on 18 April 1998 for the metropolitan archdiocese of Bombay. He was awarded a licentiate in dogmatic theology from the Pontifical Lateran University of Rome (2000-2002).
He was appointed titular bishop of Deulto and auxiliary bishop of Bombay on 15 May 2013, and received episcopal consecration the following 29 June.
He was transferred to the diocese of Poona on 25 March 2023.
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For the past four weeks the Church has been engaged in special prayers to prepare spiritually for the
great feast of Christmas. Already there is a festive atmosphere around with lights and decorations
put up and people wishing each other: “Happy Christmas.”
How are we called to celebrate this event?
The first aspect of our celebration is to give glory to God. During the Mass a hymn of praise is sung
repeating the words of the angels when Jesus was born, “Glory to God ... and peace on earth” (Luke
2: 14). With the birth of Jesus earth is united to heaven and we join the angels in praising God. The
birth of Jesus invites us to get our focus right. Our joy is because our saviour is born and so we give
glory to God. God has done something wonderful for us.
This act of glorifying God must continue in our daily life. The good news of Jesus’ birth touches the
poor, the neglected and those who are suffering. Christmas is a time of bringing joy to those for
whom life is difficult. Even in our own neighbourhood there will be some for whom Christmas will
not be so joyful — possibly because of the death of a loved one, or some crisis or painful situation.
There are these beautiful customs at Christmas of showing our solidarity with those who are grieving
or struggling, by visiting them and bringing them some sweets, or giving household provisions to the
needy. May God be glorified through acts of kindness and generosity.
The second concerns the way God comes to us. A few years ago, Pope Francis referred to the birth
of Jesus as the ‘revolution of tenderness.” God does not come to us with power and might, or as
superhero from outer space. He comes as a little child (Luke 2: 12), with tenderness and innocence,
with simplicity and love.
At Christmas the nativity scene, i.e., the scene of the birth of Jesus, is often displayed. As we gaze at
the image of the Christ child, we realize that God’s ways are astonishing, It seems impossible that
God should forsake heavenly glory to become a human being like us. To our astonishment, we see
God acting exactly as we do: a child who plays, learns, grows. God’s ways are beyond our
understanding and often God does what we least expect. We are called to be open to the God of
Christmas is a feast of great joy. For each one of us and the whole family as we experience the joy
of family togetherness, for the Church as we gather to praise God for the birth of Jesus, and for the
world as we pray that God will bring true peace. We rejoice that God comes to be with us. The Son
of God is born of the Virgin Mary. It is indeed a celebration.
God bless you! Happy Christmas!
Birthdays |
January |
2 | Fr. Isidore Soares |
16 | Fr. Alex Quadros |
19 | Fr. Vinay Lopes |
24 | Fr. Julien Misquitta |
28 | Fr. Arokia Sheelan |
28 | Fr. Peter Anthony |
29 | Fr. Mathew Joseph |
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